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Understatement of the year; I love to take pictures. However, having to use a prehistoric film camera or one of those disposable insults to mankind definitely takes some of the fun out of it. No one knows this better than me, who went to the Rockies and had to use film, then went to Picher and had to use a disposable. So when I got the chance to borrow our company’s digital camera, I was thrilled out of my mind and more than a little reluctant to give it back. My father must have foreseen this, because rather than attempting to pry it from my grasp, he bought me my own. Actually, he had his secretary buy it (the thought of my dad braving the crowds on Black Friday is hilarious and would never happen).


So, I am now the (very) proud owner of a Kodak EasyShare digital camera with 8.1 mega-pixels and a 12x zoom. In honor of the occasion, I went outside and took some picture of the place. My fingers nearly froze off (it’s going to be a crackerjack of a winter, I’d venture to say) but when I look at that clothesline picture, frostbite seems almost bearable…


An Arkansas sunset

An Arkansas sunset


Some people (like us) still have clotheslines... regardless of whether or not they use them.

Some people (like us) still have clotheslines... whether they use them or not.


Pink clouds, cotton candy, and county fairs... all thing every girl should grow up knowing well.

Pink clouds, cotton candy, and county fairs... all things every girl should grow up knowing.


Lassee teasing me. Don't feel bad, I thought it was a fox at first, too.

Lassee teasing me. Don't feel bad, I thought it was a fox, too...